Corporate Acts
We can offer acrobatic walkabouts or customized shows to suit any event. We are very versatile and can work in almost any environment, indoors or outdoors.
Weddings are one of the most common corporate event we get asked to do and we have even performed on ''Don't tell the Bride'' on RTE a few years ago. Other TV appearances include ''The Podge and Rodge Show'',''Glas Vegas'', ''The Ray D'Arcy show'' and the ''Club Orange'' skipping ad.
Aerial and Chinese pole
Depending on the venue we can also offer aerial acts and Chinese pole acts. All acts can be fully customized to suit the even and are usually between 4-10 minutes long.
Have a look at the following tech specs to see if your venue might be suitable for either aerial acts or Chinese pole.
Stilt Walking
A great way to add that visual impact to your event! Please contact us for available costumes and other details.